Can Bitcoin Solve US Debt Crisis? Trump's Surprising Inquiry

David Bailey, CEO of Bitcoin Magazine and cryptocurrency advisor to the Trump campaign, recently stirred the crypto world with his revelations.

💡 Key Points

- **Bitcoin as a Debt Solution:** Bailey discussed Bitcoin as a potential solution for the $35 trillion U.S. national debt with Trump.

- **Not an Endorsement:** Bailey emphasizes his actions are to support Bitcoin, not to endorse Trump.

- **Campaign Strategy:** Bailey and his team have been working on a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency policy agenda for Trump. This includes a proposed executive order and a goal to raise $100 million in campaign funds to ensure the next U.S. president is "into Bitcoin."

- **Anti-Crypto Administration:** Bailey's actions are a response to what he perceives as the anti-crypto stance of Joe Biden’s administration.

🎙️ **Bailey's Sentiment:**

“We will mobilize to defend ourselves. We’re not voting for Trump per se, we’re voting against Biden. The only person to blame for that is Biden.”

🔮 **Future Outlook:** Geoff Kendrick of Standard Chartered Bank is optimistic about potential regulatory changes, suggesting a second Trump term could be "broadly positive" for the crypto industry.

Stay tuned for more updates! 🌐

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