✅ The market got scared by Mt. Gox transfers of over 140,000 bitcoins and the price of BTC declined by >4% in a day 😳

Day summary:

🔸 President of ETF Store thinks that the SEC will approve spot ETH ETF registration statements in the next few weeks

🔸 Former FTX executive was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison ⚖️

🔸 The European Securities and Markets Authority defines MEV as an example of illegal market abuse

🔸 Healthcare company Semler Scientific announced that it had purchased $40M worth of BTC 

🔸 Mt. Gox moved $9.62 billion worth of Bitcoin into a new wallet 🔍

🔸 Crypto ETFs could see over $100 billion of inflows broker Bernstein said in a research report

probably was 😅

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