Ok, we think this stock market is invincible, because 1. this is an election year and US Treasury is just gonna spend a lot of money. 2. AI will power the magnificent 7 stocks. Just keep in mind that there have been historical instances where US stocks went down in an election year before the election. Nothing is 100%, so although I remain optimistic on US stock market for a few more months, I do see TWO dangers. One is the Fed wants to hike— they MAY NOT be able to hike if US jobs data tanks hard next 2-3 months. Two is this challenge to NVDA (and Apple and TSLA which are old news). But the challenge to NVDA is new, and I don’t think anyone in the market is pricing in NVDA tanking due to challenges from a China GPU. Apple will get challenged in iPad/Tablet market as well in China, and like TSLA they will face that competition internationally as well (eventually). These are TWO RISKS that the market is not pricing in, but I am aware of them, so I am giving you folks the early warning here, like I did with Apple and TSLA last year. Whilst I remain optimistic on US stocks, I do remind everyone that there are these two risks, and when they strike, they could strike suddenly over the next few months. So think about diversification and always have a back up plan. NFA, DYOR. #teslamotor