🛑 Urgent Crypto Update: PEPE, BTC, ETH 🛑

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1️⃣ **PEPE Analysis:**

- **Current Status:** PEPE is still rising.

- **Challenges:** It has hit a tough area that needs strong liquidity to break through.

- **Support Area:** 0.00001420 is a strong support level.

- **Potential Movement:** If it stays above 0.00001420, it could rise to 0.00001450 or even 0.00001500.

- **Correction Expected:** A correction might happen soon, but it's not guaranteed.

2️⃣ **Market Condition:**

- **Liquidity Pumping:** There's unusual liquidity due to news about the ETH SPOT ETF.

- **Expected Correction:** A sharp correction is likely today or tomorrow, which could hurt PEPE.

- **Trading Advice:** Avoid trading PEPE right now as it may drop sharply. Its current value might have peaked.

- **Indicators:** RSI and other tools suggest a strong move is coming, with current signs pointing to potential drops.

3️⃣ **Short Positions:**

- **Action:** If you have short positions, consolidate and wait.

- **Risk:** PEPE, being a meme coin, might drop today or tomorrow.

- **Advice:** Avoid trading PEPE for now due to the likely correction. It may not stay bullish.

4️⃣ **Long Targets:**

- **Future Potential:** PEPE could reach up to 0.00001700.

- **Patience Needed:** Wait for clearer signals before making any moves.

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