Beyond Technical Analysis #TechnicalAnalys

To effectively navigate crypto trading, a thorough understanding of both fundamental and technical analysis is essential. There are no shortcuts.

However, it often seems that these volatile coins have a mind of their own, defying the paths outlined on charts. While predictions based on analysis are valuable, I'm curious about their reliability. To what degree of certainty can one predict the next market movement? The last 24 hours in the crypto market exemplify what I call "beyond analysis."

I’m not suggesting that nobody saw it coming, but the rapid changes in most coins, including $BTC , $ETH , $BNB , and SOL, within a few hours, were unprecedented in recent weeks. In such moments, many traders make significant profits, while others incur substantial losses. This indicates that, despite our best analytical efforts, elements of luck or misfortune may also play a role in this market, even if we can't ascribe scientific terms to them.

Ultimately, it's crucial to stay positive, remain vigilant, and always practice caution in crypto trading.

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