Don't invest all money in one place .

I will give idea for Rs. 50K

Buy two road side pop corn machine .

Hire two people ( people between an age of 18–25 ) coz labour cost is less when compared to experience person)

Material cost

Each Machine cost — 18 K– 25 K ( one time investment , you can resell this also in olx or someother website also while quitting this business )

Corn - 10 Kg ( wholesale ) — Rs 300 – 400

Spices for 10 Kg of corn — Rs. 200

Plastic cover cost — 100 covers — rs. 20

For 1 Kg of corn you make 70–80 packet.

You can sell each package at Rs.10


Working time Evening 6 pm to 10 pm ~ 4 hrs per day

Now comes to labour cost — ( fixed salary 200 per day for first 2 month , third month onwards 300 per day )

Now comes to variable pay — you have pay extra 50 paisa per packet he sell )

If he sell 500 pack per day you have to pay him

200 fixed salary + 250 variable pay — per day 450

It will motivate your employee.


So, if your employee sell 1 Kg in 1 hour , you will earn approximately 750 .

After reducing labor cost , material cost, battery recharge cost , and all

Your gain is Rs. 600 per kg.

If you sell 10 kg per day you will earn 6000 per day ( coz you have two machines and two employees)

Per month 180000 ( one lakh eighty thousand per month )

#GOATMoments #Business