ChatGPT rival artificial intelligence model Claude is now available in Turkey: It speaks Turkish!

Claude 3 artificial intelligence model developed by former Open AI employees started to serve in Turkey. Claude 3 can give answers in Turkish.

The Claude artificial intelligence model of Anthropic, an artificial intelligence company founded by former OpenAI employees, is now available in Turkey. Users in Turkey will be able to use the Claude 3 artificial intelligence model free of charge.

The Claude artificial intelligence model was available in many languages, including Turkish, but was unavailable for use in Turkey. As of today, Claude entered Europe and became active in Turkey. Users will be able to access artificial intelligence features from Claude's website or by using the Claude iOS application.

Claude 3 can analyze data in photos, documents, images and audio as well as text, just like the GPT-4o introduced yesterday. Provides written answers to your queries. Claude is considered one of the most capable #GPT models on the market, after #ChatGPT .