
Take part in the exciting Layer3 Infinity CUBEs campaign by accessing it through the following URL:

This campaign provides a unique opportunity within the Layer3 ecosystem, offering participants the chance to earn through various interactive activities over a six-week period.

What Are Infinity CUBEs?

Infinity CUBEs are special digital assets that you can mint by engaging in activities within Layer3's partner ecosystems. These assets are key to acquiring additional L3 tokens and a share of $500K in other token rewards.

How to Participate

Step 1: Register and Engage

Begin by accessing the campaign using the URL provided above. Engage with the activities designed to help you mint Infinity CUBEs.

Step 2: Collect All Three CUBEs

Your objective is to collect three distinct Infinity CUBEs. Completing this collection allows you to mint the Trident of Worlds NFT, offering the highest returns in L3 tokens.

Step 3: Join the Discord Community

For a full experience, join the Layer3 Discord community. This platform will not only increase your potential earnings but will also enhance your engagement within the campaign.

Referral Program Details

The referral program is designed to significantly boost your potential earnings:

  • Earn 16% of the points from your direct referrals.

  • Gain an additional 8% from points accumulated by their referrals.

  • A promotional double points bonus is active from May 14th to May 21st, encouraging the involvement of new participants.

Dynamics of Referral Points

The points you earn from referrals act as multipliers on your total allocations, amplifying your earnings based on the engagement level of your referrals.


The Layer3 Infinity CUBEs campaign is a strategic initiative for members of the Layer3 community, new and old, to engage deeply and earn significant rewards. Ensure you maximize your participation and benefit from the referral system for the best possible outcomes.

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