Many may be holding crypto currency now, This is a good decision on your part but the decision is even better if you sell the coins now and buy when the price drops further. 

And if you have enough USDT left in your account now, there is no need to sell 

Many people reading these articles may think that I am giving you bad advice for my profit But brother, based on this post, the market price will not be lower or higher 

But the reason to warn you is that I have seen many people crying after losing all their money invested in crypto 

There may be many millionaires or billionaires in this market, but there are also many people who are students or ordinary working people. Those who are trading with their hard earned money

I would like to tell them that now is the bull market and you can become a millionaire in an instant or you can lose everything in an instant.

Here is my advice for spot traders in this situation: 

If you are in low loss now sell your assets, Because you can buy more coins at lower prices

And now don't get busy with travel or any other work for a day or two by purchasing like other times, Now if you buy any coin, make sure you don't take your eyes off your monitor screen until you sell it 

Because every moment can change your life!