In a recent development that marks a significant stride in the blockchain and sports prediction market, Azuro has teamed up with Chiliz to enhance the development and adoption of onchain sports prediction applications. This collaboration aims to leverage Azuro’s protocol, which empowers developers to integrate sports prediction functionalities into their applications effortlessly.

Azuro, since its inception, has emerged as a leading protocol on the Gnosis network and has distinguished itself as the top revenue-generating protocol on the Polygon blockchain. It supports over 25 active applications, with transaction volumes surpassing the $320 million mark. This growth is a testament to Azuro’s robust infrastructure and innovative approach to decentralized finance and prediction markets.

Enhancing Developer Capabilities with Chiliz Integration

The partnership will significantly boost the capabilities of developers working on Chiliz, particularly those focused on creating sports prediction decentralized applications (dApps). 

By integrating with Azuro’s infrastructure, developers can now link their applications directly to the Chiliz Chain, enhancing the fluidity and functionality of their dApps. This integration is poised to streamline operations and reduce the barriers to entry for app developers in the sports prediction market.

Azuro’s unique liquidity pool design and advanced tooling, including sophisticated oracle solutions, allow applications to launch without any initial investment or operational costs. This model is designed to let developers focus more on user acquisition, engagement, and monetization strategies rather than the technical complexities of running a prediction market platform.

We're excited to announce Azuro and Chiliz will work together to boost adoption of onchain sport prediction markets @azuroprotocol enables developers to build applications that feature sports prediction functionality.#ChilizChain $CHZ

— Chiliz ($CHZ) – The Sports Blockchain (@Chiliz) May 9, 2024

Fostering Innovation with Co-Sponsored Grants Program

Looking ahead, Azuro and Chiliz have announced plans to launch a co-sponsored grants program. This initiative is aimed at incentivizing more developers to build on their combined infrastructure. The program will include bounties for the first apps developed under this new partnership, intending to fuel further growth and adoption of onchain prediction markets.

These efforts are expected to attract a wave of innovation in the blockchain sports prediction space, providing developers with the tools and support needed to create engaging and successful applications. This move is not just about enhancing the technical capabilities of the platforms but also about creating a more vibrant and supportive ecosystem for developers in this niche market.