$BTC Hit my 2nd max prediction for dump at 57k. Bottom line I provided was 55k. Will BTC break 55k? I have no idea. Will try to update as soon as I get more info, we just broke 57k so I need more time for data to accumulate and time for me to analyze.

Regarding $SOL , this shitcoin is somehow at $120 even when BTC is 57k. It's time for this shitcoin to really go. I think... $30 is a decent price. Actually nvm. $3 is a good price.

Anyways.. I hope you made a lot of $$ from shorting with my signals. Make sure to tip some of your gains. I need the money. I want to be rich, and live a great life. A life as a poor man is not worth even living. Many would disagree but I cannot see a reason on the meaning of life if you don't become great.
