#BTC Movements Quick Update

I think I had missed a little when made prediction about BTC movements in my previous post

While I had predicting it will re-visit $65k but in reality BTC had visiting range $64k which I think maybe the brake has broken while going down the hill and successfully visiting 64700

Anyway from this dip I also learning that the support level of BTC is from 63-66k when before this dip happened I only think the support level of BTC is only at 63, 65 and 66

Mean while for meme coins which is in my watch list I had do wrong prediction about #PEPE and #BOME where I think PEPE will be more strong compared to #FLOKI and #SHIBA but in reality BOME is he winner since it only down about 700-800 points and make me do wrong entry for PEPE, meanwhile for BOME I had successful do the lowest entry price 🤘✌️

For next BTC movements just wait for few hours as BTC will rebound back and I hope it can breakthrough 67500 this time

Edit :

Someone had judging me for make prediction without warning (see image)

If you had following my posts I had warn my readers in my previous post about BTC will going dip to $65k when BTC still moving around $66k range which will affecting altcoins too

As always DYOR

God bless