【Black Golden (BG) 0424 Daily Report】

The midline oscillation is relatively mild near 67,000 points, and there is a high probability that it will transition to a slow rise. The ETH/BTC ratio hasn't seen significant changes, but ETH continues to exert pressure on the broader market. US economic data indeed show signs of a slow rebound in inflation; declines in gold and the US dollar index are positive for BTC and other risk assets. However, if oil reaches 100, it would deal a devastating blow to the expectation of interest rate cuts. Oil prices are influenced by the situation in the Middle East, which is a critical factor affecting the global economy this year.

Global BTC 10:00 (GMT+8)

(AI Little Black)

Futures long-short ratio: 53%:47% (Bears may be retreating, but they haven't lost significant strength.)

Spot buying-selling ratio: 55%:45% (Buying activity is slowly increasing, with whales adding to their positions.)

BTC: Oscillatory upward movement can be beneficial for BTC. Yesterday, there were several attempts at market dips, encountering significant resistance at 65,800, 66,000, and 66,500. These levels will gradually become support zones. However, bears remain relatively strong and haven't sustained significant losses. Be cautious of potential spikes and consider buying defensively below 65,600 at 1% intervals.

ETH: The competition at key point for ETH is intense. Consider defensive buying around 3,180, but it's not recommended to acquire ETH. For those who purchased around the 3,000 level, consider selling some positions and shifting to BTC.

The runes gameplay is intriguing. I will provide some suggestions when I have free time.

Recently, no recommendations have been made to sell BTC. Instead, I have suggested defensive or long-term buying at lower levels. I remain firmly convinced that a price of 100,000 or more is BTC's target this year.

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