There has been a lot of discussion lately about whether Binance is responsible for the recent launches of new coins, such as $SAGA , $TAO , and #OMNICOIN . Some people have even gone so far as to accuse these coins of being fraudulent. However, I believe that blaming Binance or calling these coins fraudulent is not the right approach. In fact, I think that many of these coins are actually good investments that have unfortunately been affected by the fluctuating value of Bitcoin.

Another issue is that many people become too caught up in the hype and fear of missing out (FOMO) during a launch, which can cause them to buy these coins at inflated prices. The exception to this is $ENA , which took three days to rise above $1.

It's also worth noting that some of the earlier sellers of these coins received them for free by participating in Binance's launch pool farming, so any sale they make is pure profit for them.

My advice to anyone considering investing in these coins is to avoid buying them at inflated launch prices. Instead, wait a few days for their value to stabilize before making a purchase. Regardless of any drops in value in the short term, many of these coins have the potential to be good long-term investments.

Overall, it's important to approach new coin launches with caution and to do your research before investing. Don't get caught up in the excitement and always consider the long-term potential of any investment.

#bitcoinhalving #BinanceLaunchPool🔥