Did I ever lose in the crypto market ?

For your information, a Big YES !

It's not happened in crypto, but I lost my entire savings in Stock Exchange and was not able to stand up again.

What do you think that I am only earning during these kinds of Bull and Bear Fight ?

I lost every penny in initial days in stocks. It was disheartening condition.

Now invested a very tiny amount in the crypto market, but after research for months, I am able to understand a little bit about the Whales strategies. Most people do not know what is happening in the crypto market and lose all of their savings like me.

There is a lot of hard work and patience needed that had to be learned before jumping in the crypto market. You have also need a lot of work before investing, as most of you don't research as well as also not read information about the coin which you are going to buy, then there is a high risk of losing money.

There is no tale story which is told above, it was just a personal experience thay how I lost my entire life savings. The people who have faced such situations can understand what happened to me.

Do your own Research Before Investing in any Cryptocurrencies.

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