Always remember that you shouldn't keep all your money in volatile

At a minimum, always keep 20-30% in stablecoins (USDT) to
make purchases of BTC or other volatile cryptocurrencies when their
prices are at their lowest!

Here is the translation of the summary of key events preceding each significant Bitcoin crash, including the percentages of price declines:

  1. Crypto Winter of 2011

    • Peak: June 2011, $31.

    • Trough: November 2011, $2.

    • Decline BTC: From $31 to $2, which is a drop of 93.55%.

  2. Crypto Winter of 2013-2015

    • Peak: November 2013, $1,163.

    • Trough: January 2015, $172.

    • Decline BTC: From $1,163 to $172, which is a drop of 85.21%.

  3. Crypto Winter of 2017-2018

    • Peak: December 2017, nearly $20,000.

    • Trough: December 2018, $3,200.

    • Decline BTC: From $20,000 to $3,200, which is a drop of 84%.

  4. Crypto Winter of 2021-2022

    • Peak: November 2021, $69,000.

    • Trough: 2022, $17,600.

    • Decline BTC: From $69,000 to $17,600, which is a drop of 74.49%.

Each of these downturns occurred in the context of significant external factors, such as regulatory changes, cryptocurrency exchange hacks, and macroeconomic conditions. These percentages highlight the significant volatility of the cryptocurrency market, making it both potentially high-reward and high-risk investment.