How to recover your losses in smart move?

This post may help you understand the market downtime. So don’t be despondent.

As appearing to everyone the market facing downtime, this usually happens when whales making a move to liquidate small investors.

How? You have to understand first that money never grows on trees, rich people become rich because you give them your money in a way or another. And here you buy assets high and sell it low which means your money goes directly to whales pocket.

So what is smart move? In simple way when you see the whole market goes down that means there is big sell movement on all platforms.

This means whales who holding huge investment funds sold their assets once they reached their profits goal, and waiting market down to re-buy it at original price or lower price.

What you can do?

Selling your assets in order to buy it again later is not a good idea. Why? Because market volatility and you may wake up and see prices go higher than what you sold at.

Smart move is to manipulate the market and keep holding, also keep buying more at best price for you and wait patiently.

Eventually, the market will recover and whales made their goal. Once market recovers it self you will have best chance to sell with a double profits at least.

There is no time frame or price level, all you need patience as long as it takes. Days, weeks or months.

Remember: this is not financial advice nor recommendation. It’s personal analysis and opinion and it’s exactly what i am doing during past years.

It may not apply on all tokens and coins, so make sure if you want do this do it with full responsibility and health mind.