
Date and Time: 11.04.2024 - 19.33(Europa)
Price: 3,516.16 USDT
Change: -0.83% (Bearish)
Spread: 4.06%
Volume: 291,643K ETH (Last 24 hours)
Support Levels: 3,474.52 USDT, 3,400.00 USDT
Resistance Levels: 3,545.64 USDT, 3,618.30 USDT

Technical Indicators:

Moving Averages:

MA(7): 3,483.78 USDT (Bearish trend)
MA(25): 3,460.67 USDT (Bearish trend)
MA(99): 2,995.96 USDT (Bullish trend)

Relative Strength Index (RSI): 47.22 (Neutral zone)
Bollinger Bands:

Upper Band: 4,093.92 USDT
Lower Band: 2,938.40 USDT


The ETHUSDT chart is based on 1-day candlesticks and analyzed as of April 11, 2024.
The price is currently at 3,516.16 USDT and has decreased by 0.83% in the last 24 hours.
The spread is at 4.06%, which is quite high. This indicates a high level of volatility in the market.
The volume has reached 291,643K ETH in the last 24 hours. This indicates increasing interest in the market.
Support levels can be determined as 3,474.52 USDT and 3,400.00 USDT. If the price falls below these levels, it may experience further declines.
Resistance levels can be determined as 3,545.64 USDT and 3,618.30 USDT. If the price breaks above these levels, it may start to rise.
Moving averages are in a bearish trend. This indicates that the price may fall further in the near future.
The RSI value is 47.22 and in the neutral zone. This indicates uncertainty in the market.
Bollinger Bands are quite wide. This indicates a high level of volatility in the market.


The ETHUSDT chart is currently in a state of uncertainty. The price is approaching the support levels and may experience further declines if it falls below these levels. However, there is also a possibility of an upward trend if it breaks above the resistance levels. It is important to do detailed research and evaluate the risks before making an investment.


This analysis is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. It is important to do your own research and evaluate the risks before making an investment.

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