Thanks to Andrew Rogozov (founding member of TON Foundation, CEO of TOP Labs) for mentioning and affirming Catizen today!😺

Catizen is honored to be an excellent case in TON ecosystem, and the Kitty Metaverse is getting better and better with everymeow's support!❤️‍🔥

😼 Happy to share with you what the team is working on right now, and we expect to make these adjustments within the week!

1. Increase the upper limit of cat level to lv.330

2. New Master🏆 and Royal🏆 League will be added, and there will be special Easter Eggs when reaching the corresponding league

3. Players whose maximum cat reaches lv.210 can upgrade their Fishing Rods to increase fishing profits

4. Added Easter Eggs in Fish

5. Optimize the auto-merge function, add automatic collect free cats in shop and automatic get free boost

📌 Of course, specific changes will be subject to the online content!

We always carefully consider every Catizens opinion. Huge thanks to the Meows community for growing with us meow~!😺

🎮 P2E game: