☠️ Sin in Crypto future trading 🙌

Why most of you lose money on future trading?

If you lose 1$ or 1000$ in future trading. This will not ruin your life or destroy your trading career. In fact, you don’t need to recover the money within 1 or 2 weeks. Take deep breath, close your leveraged trade, and after learning trading properly, come back and please avoid future trading as much as possible, you can consider spot trading after learning.

Many people lose their money and ask me in comments or on social messaging app , that what should they have to do now?

My suggestions are always the same that Please close it and think for the next.

Now you may think, why I’m always suggest not to do future trade and my reply was the same that close it:

People start cursing all the people on comments for posting analyse, saying the market will go opposite the direction of your trade. It indicates that they don't know much about crypto trading and are unsure about the coin they are trading. In that case, the best thing you can do is close the trade in the future and think about the spot trading.

I have seen most of you new traders, don’t want to lose a single dollar. This mindset makes you lose even more.

It's my personal opinion, Do your own Research Before Investing in any Cryptocurrencies.

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#Futures_Trading #SpotTradingSuccess