As we enter the bull run, there's a chance for us to make extraordinary profits. Follow these simple tips to benefit from the upcoming bull run:

1. Stick to a fixed capital. If you're trading with $3000 and you earn an extra $1000 profit, withdraw $1000 and keep your trading capital consistent. It's crucial to stick to your trading strategy without adding or reducing coins. Avoid any thoughts of adjusting your capital.

Failing to do so might prevent you from experiencing the bull run firsthand.

2. Download Metamask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, or Blockchain Wallet. Safely store your word phrases and buy at least 4 or 10 coins. Keep them in your wallet and then uninstall the app from your phone to avoid temptation. Only check your account balance after 8 years or more. Withdraw this money during the bull run or shortly after 8 years from now.

Remember, the money you invest in the wallet should be completely forgotten, and don't rely on it to solve your problems. Be cautious with any online investment that requires your wallet that you uninstalled from your phone, as linking your account could lead to hacking.

By following this investment strategy, you can potentially build lifelong wealth.


1. If you choose this investment method, be prepared to commit to the time frame mentioned. I won't entertain withdrawal inquiries except after the specified time.

2. Hodling should be a personal decision and your choice of investment.

3. Understand that not all the coins you choose will perform well, but one or two coins may outperform the rest.

Real wealth isn't attained through trading but through Hodling👌

#Memecoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear