Pixels is a game described as an open-world MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) that combines farming, exploration, and creative building with blockchain technology. Here's a breakdown of what that means:

Open World MMORPG: You will be able to interact with other players in a vast online world.

Farming, exploration and creative building – the game offers a variety of activities, from growing crops to venturing out to discover new areas and building your own structures.

Blockchain technology: Pixels uses blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies, to allow players to own in-game items and potentially earn rewards through gameplay. This property is represented by NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).

Here are some additional details about pixels:

Land Ownership: You can purchase land within the game world. These plots are NFTs and owning them gives you the ability to customize them and potentially earn in-game currency.

Play to Earn: While details may vary, some sources suggest that you may be able to earn rewards by playing on Pixels. This could involve selling items you collect or produce on your land.

If you want to learn more about Pixels, here are some places to start:



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