I think fundamentally people are finding Solana more user friendly and realitively cheap to transact on which is definely valid but I feel like the blue-chip stuff like the peak NFT's and are all in ETH itself. Ofcourse there are layer2 scaling sooution provider's like Optimism, Matic and Arbitrum which are a life saver but the Fees of Eth in itself is a lot harder and slower.

Ofcourse ETH being secure is amazing but I think its a volume game and there will be larger marketshare of transactions for Solana on a longer time framescale, I am not saying solana will flip eth or anything ludicrous like that right now but over a period of time I can see solana solifying itself as a blue chip like BTC and ETH.

This cycle might be a good time a good time to look at buying solana ecosystem coins and we could most definely see coins going up 5x from here. Eth will undeniably move up as well because eth is ETH.

Now we need to understand innovators and problem solvers become both become rich and in our case we have an innovator and a problem solver soo both will most likely move up if the market goes Up like we should be expecting.

#EthvsSol #Altcoins👀🚀 #TOTAL2