🚀Understand THIS and you'll make 100X more this cycle:

Bubbles drive crypto cycles

They only REALLY take off, once people see a "sure thing"

We're not there yet, tons of PTSD everywhere

Assets that do well in crypto bubbles are ones that are VERY HARD to value

When values are tied to easily measured things:

- onchain revenue/fees
- a single product

They usually are LIMITED in upside.

Bubble-friendly assets have value props that are nearly impossible to measure and have strong narratives at their back

Coins in these categories: AI and MEMES are so reflexive (pump hard / dump hard) as there's literally no anchor to base expectations off of

Similarly, gaming can be adopted at scale and quickly - something that has never happened for any crypto protocol.

This makes the fomo factor extreme once it kicks in.

That's why these 3 categories are the apex predators of the cycle and most likely to print transformative gains

TLDR; In an industry driven by bubbles, choose bubble-friendly assets (Gaming / AI / Memes)
