🎉🎉Good news for DOGE🎉🎉

🔥🔥When Dogecoin hits $1.69, everyone will be scared, says Dogecoin founder🎉🎉

🔥Dogecoin cryptocurrency, in collaboration with Jackson Palmer, spoke in 2013 about Dogecoin and the chance that it could rise to a new all-time high.

However, Marcus's tweet also indicates a sharp price drop after that, confirming the fact that "Shibitoshi Nakamoto" (as Marcus is known on Twitter/X) considers cryptocurrencies to be very volatile in line with his previous tweets about it.

Aside from that, Marcus made an optimistic statement about Dogecoin, opposing BEL and defending DOGE from criticism.

Marcus's "statement" on DOGE volatility

The Dogecoin co-founder jokingly shared a post in which he dreamed of DOGE rising to $1.69 and “everyone was panicking” and thought about making a payment on a house but suddenly DOGE “immediately collapsed to $0.40. But then he woke up,” Marcus continued, “and DOGE was trading back Another at $0.169 - the price level DOGE commented on earlier today. Marcus often makes his statements about cryptocurrencies in an indirect and sarcastic way. Billy Marcus has previously broadcast his opinion about crypto investing and crypto trading several times on Twitter/X He believes that the cryptocurrency market lives its own life and that no one knows for sure


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