"The phoenix must be burned to ashes before it can rise" is ringing specially true these last few days. The way people are reacting to CSW losing the case and Calvin taking a sabbatical. The reaction seems almost supernatural to be honest.

They want to scare you out of the Phoenix BSV.

Staged absences from the CEO

Staged Judge ramblings

Staged silence from CSW

Staged drop of all BSV influencers like flies.

Our community can see past all the Hegelian Dialectic.

Craig Wright will appeal on the last day (21st day)♟️

That would complete the 777 ritual.

7+7+7 =21✅👁

Watch the Appeal 😏

Enjoy the Drama Show 📽🎬

Ignore the Actors 👥👤🗣

Focus on the Prize only 🏆

#bullish #BSV