In every bull market, you will always hear people saying, "this time, it's going to be different!! This bull run is not like the others, now there are Bitcoin ETFs that have entered the market! This time, institutional investors are getting in! It's going to last longer!".

And every time, nothing changes, history repeats itself: a bullish phase, a sharp decline to shake out the beginners, then a phase called the "hyperclimax run", during which altcoins and Bitcoin will skyrocket, very strong, only to be stopped by a very sharp and brutal downturn that will end the party. Institutions will have decided that the party is over, and most individuals will have lost money.

They will think that this decline is an incredible buying opportunity, so they will rush into cryptos to buy more, and in the end, they will have to hold onto these cryptos for years because they will never return to the expected levels.

The operation is always the same. Different market participants, identical market behaviors. It's unfortunate but that's how it works, the big fish eat the little ones, the little ones lose while the big ones feast. You need to know how to infiltrate among the big players and be able to benefit from the same things they do by following their actions. It's the only way to make money, apart from having a lot of luck. Follow what they do, and above all, do the opposite of what they say: they have an interest in making you lose, I explained why in another post.

Don't be foolish, learn how to act in this market and maybe you can profit from cryptos. Otherwise, it's like playing at the casino, with a lower win rate than at the casino.

Hoping that some will understand what I'm saying.

This post represents only my opinion.

Thank you for reading.

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