The 4-year bitcoin cycles, dictated by bitcoin's inherent code, have consistently repeated, making the cryptocurrency scarcer over time. Drawing a real-world parallel to gold, imagine a scenario where the inflow of newly mined gold is restricted – similar to bitcoin's 'halving.' This event, occurring every 4 years, reduces the reward for newly 'mined' bitcoin by half. The halving dates are marked by yellow lines in the screenshot, with green lines indicating the subsequent new all-time high prices.

During the bullish phase tied to the halving, the entire crypto market typically experiences an upswing. This means that not only does bitcoin rise, but most other coins and crypto-related stocks follow suit.

It's intriguing to note an upcoming eclipse coinciding with the halving in the same month and year. 🌑 $BTC #BTC #HalvingZone #Eclipse