Momentum VS Volatility

#Momentum and #Volatility are two important concepts in trading that often go hand-in-hand but some traders, misunderstood #Momentum and #Volatility as same in the market.

#Momentum refers to the rate of increase or decrease in the price of a coin, and is often used to identify trends in the market. A momentum trading strategy typically involves buying coins that have been rising in price and selling those that have been declining.

#Volatility, on the other hand, refers to the degree of fluctuation in the price of a coin over a given period of time. A security with high volatility is more likely to experience sudden, large price movements, both up and down. A volatility trading strategy might involve buying options contracts to profit from large price movements in either direction.

It's important to note that both #momentum and #volatility can be impacted by a variety of market factors, such as #economic news, changes in interest rates, and geopolitical events.





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