#MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square!

The Nibiru Chain Engagement Airdrop is related to a cryptocurrency project called Nibiru Chain, Engagement airdrops are often used by blockchain projects to increase awareness, attract users, and encourage community engagement. Participants might be rewarded with tokens for activities such as joining social media channels, participating in discussions, or completing specific tasks outlined by the project.

If you're interested in participating in the Nibiru Chain Engagement Airdrop please use this link : https://nibiru.fi/airdrops

participants can perform some simple tasks and collect more points daily.

As a reward for arriving early, Nibiru invites you to participate in the Gamified Engagement Airdrop starting NOW.


 Complete tasks for the next 22 days and earn NIBI Points redeemable for future qualifications!

#Write2Earn #tradeNTill #dare_any#NibiruChain