Why Listing process are Shaddy on Centralized Exchange?

Most of the Tokens listing process are kept Secret from users prices of Launch is always kept unrealistic during its launch instead of being dependent on project growth it works on False commitments of Hypes based on Useless facts of Marketing, in the end most of the Tokens shops will Windup or will end up as a result of delisting, Tokens has become a useless economy and more frequently it's being listed without a proper research on platform will no doubt enup up as a loser churning Ratio, if Exchanges will list any XYZ For the sake of ripping money product itself loses its Quality and no one is interested in last to use such kind of products, if users funds are not well taken care users will throw products in dustbin or in their Trash Box by giving zero star rating and mouth to mouth marketing works more stronger than any short term paid promotion.

So enjoy only classic Gems of Crypto don't get ever trapped or love your crypto forever, sell them as soon as you are in profits, Future is uncertain.