I suddenly stopped feeling anxious after doing these 20 things.


Turn off notifications for WeChat Moments

Set a fixed time to check WeChat Moments every day, instead of looking at it as soon as you receive a notification, to avoid fragmenting your time.


Quit unnecessary group chats

Leave the groups that are no longer useful, such as the ones for finished courses or idle chats. You don't need to receive so much information.


Watch less useless short videos

Watch less useless short videos, otherwise you will waste two hours in a blink of an eye. You can use those two hours to study or read books.


Pomodoro technique

Use 25 minutes as a unit, focus on doing one thing, and tell yourself that you can take a break after 25 minutes, no matter what you have done.


Stick to waking up at 6 am

No matter how late you sleep, get up at 6 am, even if you stayed up all night, and get dressed and wash up. Then don't allow yourself to sleep during the day, so you will naturally feel sleepy at night.


Read for at least 25 minutes every day

Read more books when you are not busy, and make sure you read for more than 25 minutes a day. Your cognition will improve qualitatively after a year. Don't underestimate the power of micro habits.

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