$PROM Investing in Prom, PROM will purely depend on your personal risk appetite. As you can see over the past 24 hours Prom's price has witnessed a -0.26% decrease and over the past 30 days Prom has increase by 50.42%. So it all depends on if this investment will hit your trading goals.

Prometeus(PROM) is a blockchain-based structure where users seek to communicate worldwide without any cost and censorship. The platform aims to allow trading of any data in a decentralized and secure manner.

According to our Prometeus price prediction, PROM is forecasted to trade within a price range of $ 7.22 and $ 14.47 next year. Prometeus will increase by 75.02% and reach $ 14.47 if it reaches the higher value target for 2025.

Prom is a smart-wallet based platform, which includes NFT marketplace, uncollateralized NFT rentals and mortgages.

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