In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3 and decentralized technologies, non-fungible tokens ( #nfts ) have captured the imagination of creators, collectors, and investors alike. These unique digital assets, often associated with art, music, and virtual real estate, have become a significant force in the crypto space. However, they also come with their share of challenges, including security risks and phishing attacks.

Enter #ERC-404 , an experimental and unofficial Ethereum token standard that aims to address some of these issues. Let’s dive into what ERC-404 is, how it works, and its potential impact on the NFT ecosystem.

What Is ERC-404?

ERC-404 is not your typical NFT standard. It combines elements from two existing standards: #ERC-20 (used for fungible tokens) and #ERC-721 (used for non-fungible tokens). The result is a hybrid token that offers unique features and possibilities.

Shared Ownership and Reduced Phishing Risk

The standout feature of ERC-404 is shared ownership. Unlike traditional NFTs, which are usually associated with a single wallet address, ERC-404 tokens can be owned by multiple wallets simultaneously. Here’s how it works:

  1. Multiple Owners: An ERC-404 token can have several owners, each holding a fraction of the token. This shared ownership model distributes control and reduces the risk of a single point of failure. Even if one wallet is compromised, the NFT remains secure as long as other owners maintain control.

  2. Phishing Mitigation: Phishing attacks targeting individual wallets have plagued the NFT space. By allowing multiple wallets to collectively own an NFT, ERC-404 makes it harder for malicious actors to exploit unsuspecting users. Even if one owner falls victim to phishing, the NFT’s integrity remains intact.

Tokenization of Exposure

Another intriguing aspect of ERC-404 is the concept of tokenizing exposure. Imagine you own a fraction of a valuable digital artwork—an NFT representing a famous painting, for instance. With ERC-404, you can tokenize your partial ownership. Here’s how it benefits you:

  1. Liquidity and Trading: Fractional ownership tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or specialized platforms. Investors can buy and sell these tokens without needing to acquire the entire NFT. This liquidity unlocks new possibilities for NFT markets.

  2. Staking and Collateral: Tokenized exposure allows you to stake your holdings or use them as collateral in DeFi protocols. You retain ownership while leveraging the value of the NFT for other financial activities.

Challenges and Considerations

While ERC-404 introduces exciting possibilities, it’s essential to approach it with caution:

  1. Smart Contract Risks: As an experimental standard, ERC-404 may have undiscovered vulnerabilities. Users should thoroughly review smart contracts and exercise due diligence.

  2. Regulatory Uncertainties: The legal and regulatory landscape for NFTs and tokenized assets is still evolving. ERC-404’s novel features may attract scrutiny or require legal clarity.

  3. Adoption and Interoperability: Widespread adoption of ERC-404 depends on wallet providers, exchanges, and developers embracing the standard. Interoperability with existing NFT platforms is crucial.


ERC-404 represents a bold step toward reimagining NFT ownership and security. While it’s not a direct antidote to NFT #phishing , its shared ownership model and tokenization features offer intriguing possibilities. As the Web3 ecosystem continues to evolve, keep an eye on ERC-404 and its impact on the future of digital ownership. 🌐🔒