#Bitcoin Weekly Chart Analysis

Bitcoin smoothly moving as per #ElliottImpulsive Wave after Last Lower-Low of $15k into recently Bearish Zone at 21 Nov. 2022 and almost near to completing its 3rd Wave and after that its 4th Wave will be starts as correction wave towards $33k-34k at the final time upto April-May 2024 on the time of $BTC #HalvingZone .

Anyway, let see..

What's next real movement of Bitcoin after Spot #ETFs Approvals on 10 Jan. 2024, but we also waiting for Bitcoin Halving Downtrend cycle of last time before coming BULLRUN of 2024-25 too...

Always DYOR before investing in Crypto and Trade Wisely by using StopLoss, it's #TrendingTopic .. 🙏