You know that euphoric state when all your coins are in profits, people are going nuts talking about it, all the gains you see people getting and you wish you had got in at that time but didn’t, instead you jump in on it and want to be part of the euphoria.


Fomo - fear of missing out - is going to lead you to more losses. Because by the time you jump on in because of all the hype - you would have gotten in on a high and then a dip comes in and you panic, stress and end up selling in a loss to avoid liquidation. Do that plenty of times and you will be liquidated.

Take the time to learn technical analysis. It is crucial. The crypto market is here to stay and it will give you plenty of opportunities.

Do not FOMO in!!

Just like now - everyone is going to be talking about making so much money on an airdrop or some coin etc. Don’t worry - plenty of other opportunities out there. There is no one trade to being a millionaire.

Be smart. Take your time.

Learn, learn & LEARN!!

You’re Welcome!! 🫡

#TrandNTell #Write2Earn #moneymaker #KnowledgeIsPower #crypto