A candlestick is a type of chart used to display the price movement of a financial instrument over a specific time period. Each candlestick is composed of several parts:

The Real Body: This is the rectangular area between the open and close prices. If the close price is higher than the open price, the real body is typically colored white or green, indicating a price increase. If the close price is lower than the open price, the real body is typically colored black or red, indicating a price decrease.

The Upper Shadow: This is the line that extends above the real body, representing the highest price reached during the time period.

The Lower Shadow: This is the line that extends below the real body, representing the lowest price reached during the time period.

The Wick: This is the line that connects the upper and lower shadows. It is also known as the "tail"or"shadow."

Candlestick can be used to identify pattern and trend in the price movement of a instrument and can be used in TA

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