$API3 When to SHORT?

I told you guys, when the token has been pumping so much, like 50% or more, always check the Volume and the Ratio of LONG positions against SHORT positions.

If you notice that the volume is above 1 Billion dollar and the Short position is 60% or above which proves that most of the traders are expecting and betting it to drop anytime sooner, that is the very right time to GO LONG.


BECAUSE the volume and ratio of short against Long is very attractive to WHALES, they will surely open Long in Future and will buy more token in spot making all short positions liquidated to get a piece of that Billion dollar volume.

and when the whales long positions has gain a lot of profits, they will close and would start to open short positions.

with their new SHORT positions they will now start to prepare their tokens in spot for a sell order, to again obtain a second piece of profit in a Billion dollar volume.


I posted it already, when you see a lot of blockchain transactions- token being transfered in many different exchanges like, Kucoin, Binance, Huobi, Coinbase and so on,

If that is happening and several dominating transfers that is being made has millions of dollars in amount, it means the group of whales are moving their tokens to exchanges to prepare for sale.

the price of the token will surge for a short period of time only to colapse tremendiously.

I'll leave this tips on how to trade by following Whales Trading Strategy and the profit I have earned by doing so.

I think I will close my position, I am seeing a lot of transfers in many exchanges. the following surge will mean a sudden drop sooner and I am very much contented with my profit.

Goodluck guys

Trade like you can see the future

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