I was in Qatar last year, chilling in the evening in a restaurant, then I somehow got into conversation with this 24y/o guy, he is from Scotland, his outfit was too simple but he came in a mad exotic car, it was a-bit of surprise for me.

After a few chitchat, I later asked what he does for a living because this guy smells wealth, He replied “I don’t work to make money”

My mouth opened Waa! then I asked him how ? He replied “my fatter is a multi-millionaire and he placed me on a automated weekly allowance, yes I get more than $20k weekly” so I asked him again that what does he now use the money for ? Like do you invest or something ? He replied “I don’t invest, I use the money to club, travel the world, and enjoy myself”.

I was dumbfounded.

I further told him that it is strange to me, he replied “I know it is not normal but that is how I’ve been living my life since I turned 15” At this point I was lost in my reality, you mean you literally Just wake up daily to enjoy life and travel the world ? He Replied “Yes, kind-of”.

I’m a curious person, so asked him how long will he keeps receiving the weekly allowance ? He replied “forever”

Eiiii ! I asked him again that what if his father passed on ? He replied “my father bought plenty shares for me in several multimillion dollar companies, his demise won’t affect my financial life, I’d just be sad I lost my dear father”

At this point I was totally lost, but I still tried to compose myself.

As a sharp guy I felt it would be smart to connect with this kind of guy. So I asked for his socials he replied “I don’t use any social media” So how do you connect with people he replied “I don’t connect with strangers, I am only connected and in constant communication with my family and relatives through iMessage And face time”

I was like what other things do you do for fun, he replied “Traveling the world is enough fun for me, and when I’m not traveling, I’m either watching movies or playing games, a few times I come out in evening like this to relax”