
What’s up, everyone? Its Firoz back with another 🔥 article for you. Today, I’m going to talk about one of the most exciting events in crypto history that’s happening soon and how you could make a killing from it.

I’m talking about the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade.

This is the first major upgrade of Ethereum since it switched from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake last year. It was supposed to happen this month, but it got delayed until April. But trust me, it’s worth the wait.

Why? Because this upgrade will make Ethereum faster, cheaper, and more scalable than ever before. And that means more opportunities for developers, users, and investors like you and me.

But here’s the thing: not all crypto projects will benefit from this upgrade equally. Some will thrive and some will die. That’s why you need to be smart and pick the right ones.

I’ve done my homework and I’ve found 5 crypto altcoins that are perfectly positioned to take advantage of the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade. These are projects that use LSDs.

Let me explain why this upgrade is so important for LSDs.

You see, when Ethereum switched from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake, it changed the way the network runs. Instead of miners using their computers to process transactions and earn new tokens, validators stake their ETH to secure the network and get rewards.

To become a validator on Ethereum, you need to stake at least 32 ETH. That’s a lot of money for most people. And once you stake your ETH, you can’t touch it until the Shanghai Upgrade happens.

That means validators have been locking up their ETH since December 2020 when the Beacon Chain launched. This was the first step towards proof-of-stake. But they couldn’t withdraw their ETH or their rewards until now.

Now you might think this is bad news for Ethereum. You might think this will cause a lot of validators to sell their ETH and crash the price. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. I’m here to tell you about something way more exciting and profitable.

I’m here to tell you about LSDs or Liquid Staking Derivatives. There are 5 LSD crypto altcoins that I think will soar after the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade.

1. LIDO ($LDO)

Listen up, you need to pay attention to LDO right now. It’s the king of liquid staking on Ethereum and it’s crushing it with over $9 billion locked in its protocol. That’s insane!

But you know what’s even more insane? Its market cap is only $2.5 billion. That means LDO is massively undervalued and has a huge opportunity for growth.

If you don’t know what liquid staking is, go read my post where I explain how it works and why it’s the future of Defi.

Lido lets you stake any amount of ETH and earn passive income without locking up your tokens. You can use them for other Defi protocols or trade them anytime.

LDO is the governance token of Lido. It lets you vote on important decisions like fees, node operators, and new features. There are 1 billion LDO tokens and most of them are already circulating.

LDO is up over 300% since January 2023, but that’s nothing compared to what’s coming next. It’s listed on all the major exchanges, so don’t miss this chance to get in before it explodes.

LDO is a no-brainer 😉.

2. Rocket Pool ($RPL)


Second up is Rocket Pool and it’s a game-changer for Ethereum staking.

Rocket Pool is a decentralized platform that lets anyone stake on ETH 2.0 without needing 32 ETH or running their own node. You can stake with as little as 0.01 ETH and join a pool of node operators who do the work for you.

When you stake on Rocket Pool, you get rETH, a liquid token that represents your staked ETH plus rewards. You can use your rETH for anything you want: trade it, lend it, borrow against it, whatever.

Rocket Pool has its own token called RPL and it’s super important. It’s used to incentivize node operators to keep their nodes online and secure. It’s also used for governance, so you can have a say in how Rocket Pool evolves.

Rocket Pool is undervalued right now. It has a market cap of $767 million and $1 billion locked in its protocol. That means RPL has a lot of room to grow.

RPL is available on all major exchanges.

If you want to stake on ETH 2.0 and get liquid tokens in return, Rocket Pool is the way to go.

Don’t miss this chance to get in early on Rocket Pool.

3. Stader ($SD)

Another one to watch. It’s called Stader and it’s a multichain liquid staking platform that works on Ethereum and other blockchains.

Stader is on a mission to bring 1 billion people to staking and DeFi. How? By making staking easy and profitable. You can stake your coins on Stader and get liquid tokens that you can use in other DeFi protocols. You can also earn extra rewards by participating in yield farming strategies.

Stader has its own token called SD and it’s a must-have for any crypto investor. SD is used for governance and value accrual on the Stader protocol. It’s also up 400% since January 2023.

Stader has a low market cap of $12 million and a high TVL of $117 million. That means SD is very undervalued right now.

But be careful, because only 7% of 150 million tokens are in circulation right now. The rest will be released over time.

$SD is listed on major exchagnes already.

If you want to stake your coins on multiple blockchains and get liquid tokens in return, Stader is the platform for you.

Don’t wait too long to get some SD. Stader is going to be huge


4. Frax Share ($FXS)

I’ve got another amazing token, it’s called Frax Share (FXS) and it’s the utility token of the Frax Protocol.

Frax Protocol is the world’s first fractional stablecoin. That means its token FRAX is not fully backed by collateral like USDC or DAI. It’s partially backed by collateral and partially stabilized by algorithms.

That makes FRAX more scalable and more decentralized than other stablecoins.

But we’re not here to talk about FRAX. We’re here to talk about FXS.

FXS is the non-stable, utility token of the Frax Protocol. It’s an ERC-20 token that has many uses.

  • You can use FXS for governance and vote on how the protocol works.

  • You can use FXS for minting and redeeming FRAX.

  • You can use FXS for staking and earning rewards from fees and seigniorage.

  • You can also use FXS for providing liquidity incentives and getting more tokens from pools and farms.

FXS has a $766 million market cap with an uncapped supply. But it also has over $1 billion worth of assets locked in its protocol. That means FXS is undervalued right now.

FXS is available on all major exchanges.

If you want to get exposure to the world’s first fractional stablecoin and earn passive income from staking and liquidity mining, FXS is the token for you.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get some FXS today

5. Bifrost ($BNC)

My last killer token in this article. It’s called Bifrost and it’s a web3 derivatives protocol that gives you liquidity for your staked assets.

Bifrost is a Polkadot-based protocol that lets you deposit your staking tokens and mint vTokens in return. vTokens are liquid tokens that represent your staked assets plus rewards.

You can use your vTokens for anything you want: trade them, lend them, borrow against them, whatever.

Bifrost has its own token called BNC and it’s a hidden gem. BNC is used for governance and value accrual on the Bifrost protocol. It’s also used for paying fees and receiving incentives.

BNC has a $7 million market cap and $41 million locked in its protocol. That means BNC is very undervalued right now.

But be careful, because only 25% of 80 million tokens are in circulation right now. The rest will be released over time.

BNC is listed on many well known exchanges.

If you want to get liquidity for your staked assets and access cross-chain opportunities on Polkadot, Bifrost is the protocol for you.

Don’t wait too long to get some BNC. Bifrost has potential.

Wrap it up!

Liquid staking is the future of DeFi. It lets you stake tokens and use them in other DeFi apps at the same time. You don’t have to lock up your tokens and lose liquidity. You can have your cake and eat it too.

Staking ETH used to be hard and risky. You needed a lot of money, skills, and hardware. You also didn’t know when you could get your tokens and rewards back.

But that’s about to change with the Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade. It will make unstaking ETH and accessing rewards possible. It will also boost the confidence in Ethereum and make it more secure and scalable.

This is great news for LSD protocols. They offer the most flexible and profitable solutions for staking ETH. They will explode in popularity when the Shanghai Upgrade happens.

In this article, we showed you 5 tokens that are ready to moon from the LSD hype. They have low market cap/TVL ratios, which means they are undervalued right now.

But don’t wait too long, because the Shanghai Upgrade is coming soon in early April. And if Bitcoin starts pumping again, these tokens will go to the moon.

Don’t miss this chance to get in on liquid staking before it’s too late.

#Ethereum #shanghaiupgrade #liquidstaking #crypto2023 #buildtogether