This is my first post in some time. As I stated before, I'm largely moving on from crypto. I'm still here, paying attention to the market. I've also created a site for my fiction writing. Eventually, I may migrate some of these posts over there as representations of my non-fiction speculative market analysis.

Anyway, on to the important stuff.

Bitcoin did not succeed as a currency. Active addresses have still not seen any meaningful increase since 2017. The rate of growth for authentic currency adoption has slowed down along with price growth and expensiveness.

There are only about 1 million active addresses. Nevertheless, price continues to be resilient. Perhaps this is due to its limited supply and its pivot in narrative to a "store of value." Indeed, it has been a pretty lucrative store of value, though more volatile than the stock market and other commodities. This doesn't necessarily make it a "good" store of value.

Regardless of what I think, the market will make its decision. Now is the time for that to happen. With ETFs supposedly on the horizon, we will get to see how much demand really exists for Bitcoin.

I'm going to take this moment to speculate a bit. If it continues to go up, my guess is it will be because of the ETF hype, but volume amongst most spot exchanges will remain low. Bitcoin dominance would likely rise to levels not seen since 2019. If it results in a bubble, eventually people will come to their senses and there will be a pop. It will attract a lot of media and government attention, not all of it positive.

If it drops from here, it will be like all the other times people had high hopes for Bitcoin. It will be like all the times Bitcoin was supposed to represent economic freedom. It will be like every single time Bitcoin made major news, only for everyone to talk about it just as it was about to crash. It will not come as any surprise. #btc #BTC-ETF.