
Defilama_com app for the upcoming Defi suite

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Physics Finance Launch

Add chain to Delta Swap (community vote)

Secret project announcement 👀


Festival Sponsors

Ecommerce / PSP integration

ZK-Snark transaction solution

Expand Planq Team

Add chain to Delta Swap (community vote)


Launch of the Planq ambassador program

Castrum Go-Live (Planq's native mobile wallet)


Add chain to Delta Swap (community vote)


Matches Mika(right).

NFT Marketplace


Plan strategic investments

DePin Integration

Castrum multisig integration

Planq name service

Add chain to Delta Swap (community vote)

Planq Network has been on a journey for a year and has had a great process. Planq Network is the most developed project in the Cosmos ecosystem. Look forward to the next big update on the planq 2024 roadmap. Amazing things are about to start. Planq Network's journey is getting wider and interaction with crypto projects has begun

Recently Planq Network introduced Delta Swap as a Bridge Platform to the currently available multi chain Bnbchain network, and will add other networks according to the roadmap in 2024

Wait for the Launch of Original Dapps from planq network called Physica finance

Disclaimer: Do your research independently. This post is only informational and educational. Use safe money when you invest your money and manage your fundamentals well.

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How To Delegate Planq Network (PLQ)