According to Odaily, Immutable zkEVM has announced its full support for ERC-1155, aiming to further improve the experience of on-chain game developers. ERC-1155 is a universal token standard that allows the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single smart contract. This standard is known for its flexibility, efficiency, multifunctionality, and simplified management.

The introduction of comprehensive support for ERC-1155 by Immutable zkEVM is a significant step towards enhancing the on-chain game development experience. This move is expected to provide developers with more tools and flexibility in creating and managing tokens within their games. The ERC-1155 standard's ability to create both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single smart contract is a unique feature that sets it apart from other token standards.

In conclusion, the full support for ERC-1155 by Immutable zkEVM is a strategic move aimed at improving the on-chain game development experience. This development is expected to provide developers with more flexibility and efficiency in managing their tokens, thereby enhancing the overall gaming experience.