According to BlockBeats, Mert Mumtaz, the CEO of Helius, a development platform within the Solana ecosystem, announced on June 23 that ZK compression is being introduced to Solana. The compression will take place directly on L1, eliminating the need for L2.

Mumtaz stated that this move will significantly enhance the scalability of the Solana network. He further added that it represents a step towards building a financial computer - an unstoppable, global, and light-speed synchronized atomic state machine. The introduction of ZK compression to Solana is expected to improve the network's performance and efficiency, making it more robust and reliable for users and developers alike.

The move is seen as a significant step in the ongoing development and expansion of the Solana network. By enhancing its scalability, Solana is positioning itself to handle a larger volume of transactions and data, thereby improving its overall utility and value within the blockchain ecosystem. This development is expected to have a positive impact on the Solana network and its users, as it continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of the blockchain industry.