According to Odaily, data from TokenUnlocks indicates that tokens valued at approximately $104.23 million are set to be unlocked from June 24 to June 30. The tokens to be unlocked include OP, ALT, YGG, PRIME, AGIX, ACA, and TORN.

OP tokens account for 2.88% of the total value to be unlocked, amounting to $57.36 million. ALT tokens represent 6.92% of the total value, equating to $21.27 million. YGG tokens make up 4.48% of the total value, which is $11.15 million. PRIME tokens constitute 1.83% of the total value, amounting to $7.99 million.

AGIX tokens, which represent 0.67% of the total value, are worth $5.81 million. ACA tokens account for 0.46% of the total value, equating to $340,000. Lastly, TORN tokens make up 2.41% of the total value, amounting to $290,000. The unlocking of these tokens could potentially impact the market, depending on the actions of the token holders.