According to Odaily, Pantera Capital has likened Solana to the Mac OS of the blockchain world in its recent report. The report highlights Solana's significant market share gains over the past year, drawing parallels to Microsoft's early dominance in the desktop computer market until Apple made breakthroughs with its vertically integrated approach.

Solana is now considered a major competitor for the future of blockchain development. The overall architecture of Solana includes a product roadmap that focuses on optimizing each component of its own blockchain, similar to Apple's method of vertically integrating hardware and software stacks in macOS.

This comparison to Apple's strategy suggests that Solana is aiming to create a seamless, integrated experience for its users, much like Apple has done with its operating systems. The report by Pantera Capital underscores the growing influence of Solana in the blockchain space and its potential to shape the future of this technology.