According to BlockBeats, Swell, a prominent blockchain company, announced on June 14 that the withdrawals of rswETH are currently being audited by Nethermind and Sigma Prime. The audit is expected to be completed by next week.

Swell stated that the withdrawal process is the final step to ensure the successful issuance of tokens. It is also a part of rswETH v2, which will unlock significant additional features for rswETH. The audit by Nethermind and Sigma Prime is a crucial part of this process, ensuring the security and functionality of the withdrawals.

The announcement by Swell signifies the company's commitment to transparency and security in its operations. The completion of the audit will mark a significant milestone in the development of rswETH v2, paving the way for the unlocking of additional features. The company has not provided further details on what these additional features might be.