According to Odaily, Aptos has experienced a significant increase in Total Value Locked (TVL) and its user base since the beginning of 2024. The TVL has surged by over 225%, and the platform has gained more than 789,000 new users. Additionally, new partnerships and products in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) sector are flourishing.

Since the start of 2024, Aptos has seen a remarkable growth in its TVL, a key metric in the DeFi sector that measures the total value of assets locked in a platform's smart contracts. The TVL has risen by more than 225%, indicating a substantial increase in the platform's liquidity and user trust.

In addition to the growth in TVL, Aptos has also seen a significant increase in its user base. The platform has added over 789,000 new users since the beginning of the year. This growth in user base signifies a growing interest and trust in Aptos' platform and its offerings.

Furthermore, Aptos is experiencing a boom in new partnerships and products in the DeFi sector. These developments are expected to further enhance the platform's offerings and contribute to its continued growth. However, specific details about these new partnerships and products were not provided.