According to Odaily, analysts from QCP Capital have indicated that the implied volatility (IV) of Ethereum currently surpasses that of Bitcoin. This suggests that traders anticipate an intensification in Ethereum's price fluctuations, possibly in response to the impending launch of Ethereum's spot ETF.

The analysts from QCP Capital stated, 'As the market awaits the new demand brought by the spot Ethereum ETF, bullish sentiment may continue. The options market will definitely reflect this, with Ethereum's trading volume (IV) still 15% higher than Bitcoin's trading volume.' This analysis suggests that the market is preparing for potential changes in Ethereum's value, with traders anticipating a possible increase in volatility following the launch of the new ETF.

The higher implied volatility of Ethereum compared to Bitcoin indicates that traders are expecting larger price swings for Ethereum. This could be due to the anticipation of increased demand following the launch of the Ethereum spot ETF. The options market, according to the analysts, is reflecting this anticipation with Ethereum's trading volume remaining higher than Bitcoin's.