According to U.Today, Cardano is on the verge of a significant breakthrough with the upcoming Ouroboros Genesis upgrade. This is a crucial step in Cardano's quest to achieve full peer-to-peer (P2P) node operations, a goal that has been diligently pursued by its community and developers. P2P networking is essential for the long-term decentralization, security, and resilience of blockchain, enabling participants to communicate, synchronize data, and reach consensus.

The transition from the current hybrid model to full P2P networking for Cardano has been gradual, but the process is already in progress. In March 2023, Dynamic P2P automated the peer selection process. The node v.1.35.6 update enhanced communication between distributed nodes, simplified the operation of the relay and block-producing nodes, and removed the need for static configurations and manual input from stake pool operators.

The final step towards full P2P node operations is expected to come with the forthcoming Ouroboros Genesis release. According to Cardano builder Input Output Global, the next and final step on the path to full P2P node operations is anticipated to come with the impending Ouroboros Genesis release.

Ouroboros Genesis will be deployed as part of the Chang upgrade, which is expected to occur this summer. This will allow nodes to self-bootstrap from the live Cardano network. Currently, initial network entry requires synchronizing with a secure, trusted validator, usually a trusted fellow stake pool operator or another entity. Once synchronized, nodes use Ouroboros Praos to operate in a decentralized manner.

Ouroboros Genesis is expected to further simplify the process when using Cardano-node's P2P capabilities, making the process entirely autonomous and eliminating the need for human interaction. Moreover, the transition to full P2P node operations is expected to enhance the scalability and throughput of the Cardano network, enabling it to support a broader range of applications and use cases.